Thursday, May 24, 2012


It has been quite awhile since I have blogged. I have been thinking a lot lately about the best ways to use my time since there never seems to be enough. I like the idea of blogging however it  falls on the bottom of my priority list which I never get that far most days.

One big thing I have decided to try to get away from is Facebook. I find when I am bored or have a few extra minutes I tend to hit that pretty blue icon on my fancy smancy cell phone and check out whats going on in the world of many people I haven't seen since my elementary days. We all know it can be quite addicting. Although peoples lives can be quite interesting, funny, drama filled, etc, I find it strange that I know so much about people I don't REALLY know, if you know what I mean. I like reading what my family/close friends post, but I talk to them on a regular basis anyways. More than that I realize how little time their is in a day and I'd much rather take those 20minutes or so that I would otherwise be on FB, to read my bible, catch a cat nap or talk with my family. With that said I deactivated my account in hopes that I will use that time for the better and keep all the strangers lives a mystery, as they should be. I hope I can stay away, seriously, because I really do enjoy Facebook but just because you enjoy something, doesn't make it good for you.

Gabriel <3

Watching his big brother make something with the glue gun
My sweet baby

Me and my girl

Romeo and his buddy at the 6th grade send off party,so much fun!
Another change I am trying to make is spending QUALITY time with my children and not just being here. It is so easy to be present but not interact. I found that growing up and even now there was a lot of that. So instead of trying to tackle everything that needs to be done im trying to relax and play a little more. Everyday I take Gabriel outside to play and leave the chores for later. I make more simple meals so there is more time to spend. Instead of saying No to the children, that I have to do this or that, my new goal is to say YES as much as possible Instead of Mommy's having time to herself in her room, its been sure you can come in and cuddle and my time comes shortly after when they go to bed.

Having a 12 year old and a 9 year old helped me to realize how short a time our children stay small and I am embracing that fact by enjoying every moment of Dom and Gabriel being little, even Rome and Liv I keep that mindset, they seem smaller to me now then when they were younger because then I didn't realize how small they really were, now I do and  in 5 more years ill look back to now and say." look how little you were" that's where I've been, enjoying my babies, making the most of each moment and working on ever improving. And just so you know I love my role as a Mommy, I do, I really do.

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