Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And so baby #4 is OK and cooking

Friday we got another ultrasound ands the results are in. Baby #4 is A OK, in the uterus where he or she should be and we even got to see the little specks heartbeat. They even gave me a picture of what looks like the little dot but we all know how fast that will change and before we know it we'll be going crazy taking care of 2 babies (Gabe and the new one will only be about a year apart) and two older children. So I think I'll enjoy that little speck being in there for now and the horrible nausea it's been causing me. I am excited though about the good news and am getting use to the idea that this is going to happen again. The ultrasound estimated that I am about 6 1/2 weeks and not surprised that our due date is October 20th. Rome's birthday is 10-5 Olivia's 10-24 and Gabriel is 9-21. That time of year is getting quite expensive, I think it's time we find a better hobby for new years lol.

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