Monday, August 20, 2012

One of those days

Today was one of those challenging days you have as a parent. You know the one that begins with a sleepless night before where you are woken up in the morning by the child that kept you up half the night that you thought for sure would have to sleep in but is in your room starving bright and early. It was one of those days when the house is a mess,the laundry is piled high,the little ones are having meltdowns right as your patience is running thin and you are dang near melting down yourself. Meanwhile in the background the older children are doing their best fighting over the dumbest thing you ever heard. It was one of those can I please get appendicitis type days so I can go to the hospital and get a break for a night!? It was definetly a cant wait till your husband gets home to help but when he does is just as exhausted as you are and all hope for some relief goes out the window. Yup it was one of those days when you force yourself to cook because you have to and it turns out awful and noone wants to eat it and they are all whining cause they are still hungry... Yeah its been a tough day. There was a lot more to this crazy day but I'm too tired to go on and if you've been here you know you just cant wait for the day to end. So as I lay here now in this quiet moment breathing a sigh of relief knowing I should have been asleep an hour ago, I'm thankful for this day. I am thankful for my home thats so full of life and even though its been disastrous,I wouldn't change it for anything.

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