Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let it Snow

Last weekend we put up our Christmas tree and decorated the house. I had gotten a new tree after the season was over last year so I was excited to put it up. It ended up being the perfect size for our small house and it is just as pretty as I expected. It isn't however very photogenic so I didn't get a good picture to put up lol. 
I also had picked up a Rice Krispie Christmas House kit last year and so the children made those this week too, they really like doing those and they have become kind of a tradition each year. Gabriel even got into the spirit even though hes not quite ready to bake.

This week we also decided to sign up for a Sam's club membership so that we can buy the things we use alot of in bulk. Prob and I decided that instead of buying each other Christmas presents this year we would invest in a new TV since ours was pretty small and pretty ancient. We ended up getting a nice TV for a good deal at Sam's club and although I like it, I don't watch alot of TV but the kids sure have taken a liking to it quick. With that said I decided that since today we are in the middle of a blizzard I would send the kids out to shovel and enjoy all the snow. They had a lot of fun.

I am really proud of the kids, at what good people they are growing into. Romeo always wants to shovel when it snows and since the birth of their little brother they have both been such a big help and are always eager to help us with him. Romeo sure made me proud yesterday. We had bought some nutrition drinks in bulk for an older lady friend of ours and we stopped after school to drop them off. Florence(our friend) asked Romeo to just set them on the floor in the garage, his response was, why don't you let me carry them in the house for you so that you don't have to lift them later. Florence said they'd be fine there but  he expressed to me later that he wished she would have let him help her because that worried him. I am really glad that my husband is always so helpful to me and is teaching our son how to be a good man. I am also glad that he is showing our daughter what a good man is so that when she grows up she'll have high expectations for any men that come into her life, because even though I love my father, he wasn't there for me in those ways and that has had a big effect on my life. Lucky for me though I ended up with a wonderful man despite my upbringing and so he is making up for that...everyday (-:

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