Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Milestones, Milestones

It seems like in these past 2 weeks Gabriel is learning a lot of things. Lets see, he started cooing loudly, which seemed to only last a few days, then he moved on to getting up just once in the night to sleeping through the night (we got 2 nights of that but last night he decided he'd get up once again) oh well at least we know its in the near future and besides, we can handle getting up once. He also is starting to grasp things and everything heads straight to his mouth. His newest thing today was that he rolled on his side and I almost thought he'd roll over had he not been on our soft bed. All these things are just happening back to back, it's crazy how fast they start to blossom. I remember all of these milestones with my other children but it has been so long that I couldn't remember at what stage everything happens.
Gabriel reaching for his toys
The children started back to school this week so it's just me and baby with a long list of things to do around here. Yesterday I organized the laundry room and got my new system all in order to make laundry easier for the kids to help with. We labeled baskets in the basement for each color and set up a laundry table where the children will pick up their clean clothes as they drop off their dirty ones from their personal baskets in their own rooms. They know how to sort now so all I have to do is wash and fold.While going through everything in the laundry room I found a pile of things that need to be fixed such as needs a button or has a small tear that needs to be sewn, so I thought today I'd make myself get that done.

Yesterday I went to bible study for the first time in awhile and that felt really good. I told one of the ladies at bible study that I haven't been feeling so well and she said, "You just need us". She was right, I do and I need God. So I am starting my daily devotions again and my bible reading which I had been really slacking on. If there is anything that I must get done daily even on my toughest days, it's that, then I'll have the strength to go from there.

Well, duty calls and before I forget Happy New Year all, hope it brings wonderful things!
Calii on New Years

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