MT Rushmore in SD |
Little Dom @ the beach, hes a crawler now! |
Panning for gold in SD
Summer is winding down here and the weather has gotten a little bit more tolerable, just a little. Today the humidity and heat reminded us that summer is not over quite yet. School shopping is upon us for our 2 oldest and an exciting new school year is only 10 days away. Romeo will begin 7th grade this year and will be going to a new school. I am excited for him and just hoping the transition is smooth. I know some good friends of his will be going to the school he chose as well, so that should make it easier.
SD |
Gabriel sitting with the goat @ The farm in SD |
What a busy and fun summer we have had. We took a trip to South Dakota in July for a family reunion, visited many parks, pools and beaches. The older children spent some days with grandma, and we did so many other fun things. I personally am pretty content to be home these days, but not my children, they love being busy doing things and being around extended family and friends.
Just hanging around with Uncle Dan |

Over the summer I have been working on my knitting, teaching myself more and trying more difficult projects. I knitted my first project in the round, a cowl for myself and it turned out ok I guess, but I think either I knitted it a bit to loose or perhaps used the wrong yarn fiber. I also decided I would knit all my children something for their upcoming birthdays. I just finished Dominique's. I made him 2 different balls. I made a few mistakes but overall they look ok. Now on to the next 3 projects. Hope I can get them all done in time, we'll see.
These past few weeks have been filled with some stress, excitement, hope, and prayers. We are waiting on finding out if our plans to move will happen. After being in this house for 8 years we have more than outgrown not only the house itself but also the neighborhood. Everything is in place and now whether we can house hunt or not is just a phone call away. Say some prayers for us please. Our family really needs this change.