Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Colds

Yes that's what we have been dealing with for the past week around here... a whole lot of colds.All 6 of us with the two little guys being the sickest at the moment. I really have been wanting to get out of the house and take them for a visit to Santa but realize we just need to relax and rest. Hopefully by Christmas eve we will all be better. While I have been home I finished up the little ones tool belts I made them for Christmas and boy did they turn out so cute! I am still working on Dominique's knitted blanket that I started some months ago and am just about halfway done. Too much sleep deprevation from Domininique still waking frequently at night has really affected my motivation over the past year so everything comes together a bit slower. Now today in my post I wanted to share with you another tip to help the mom with many children or even a mom with one or two children. Here in our home we were always seeming to make a lot of dishes in a short amount of times and mainly cups/ sippy cups. I came up with a system to have both big kids pick a cup they want to use for the day, label it with their name and that is their cup for the day. With the little ones we do the same with a sippy cup. Rinse the cup throughout the day as they drink different things and at the end of the day each child removes their label and puts it in the dishwasher. This has helped us not have so many dishes accumulate so quickly.Adults can do it as well. To make it even easier and fun you can have each child pick out his or her own special cup from the store and use it all the time thus eliminating the need for labels since everyone would know whose cup is whose. Before I go today I just want to recognize all the beautiful little children and adults who so senselessly lost their lives on Friday in Newtown Ct. I have been thinking of them all everyday. May God give comfort and peace to these families in the tough times they have ahead. May all the victims RIP. Charlotte Bacon, age 6 Daniel Barden, age 7 Olivia Engel, age 6 Josephine Gay, age 7 Ana M Marquez-Greene, age 6 Dylan Hockley, age 6 Madeleine F Hsu, age 6 Catherine V Hubbard, age 6 Chase Kowalski , age 7 Jesse Lewis, age 6 James Mattioli, age 6 Grace McDonnell, age 7 Emilie Parker, age 6 Jack Pinto, age 6 Noah Pozner, age 6 Caroline Previdi, age 6 Jessica Rekos, age 6 Avielle Richman, age 6 Benjamin Wheeler, age 6 Allison N Wyatt, age 6 Rachel Davino, age 29 Dawn Hochsprung, age 47 Anne Marie Murphy, age 52 Lauren Rousseau, age 30 Mary Sherlach, age 56 Victoria Soto, age 27

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Something new

Hello. Its been awhile,it usually is as you well know if you are any kind of a regular here.Lets see...Since last time Ive written, our littlest family member had his first anniversary of his birthday, our oldest became a teenager and our only princess reached double digits. We had a nice Thanksgiving and with fall being Birthday season in our family, I definetly have plenty to be thankful for, and I am, very thankful for each of these four unique people that I love so much. I am very proud to say that my little Gabriel since he has turned two just a few short months ago has potty trained,weaned from the bottle and graduated to a big boy bed! This momma sure is proud(of both of us) *chuckle* I have been thinking and have decided to try something new here and see how it goes.You see, I am one awesome organizer,not just when it comes to things but also most areas of family life and am getting better all the time now that it really counts with a big family. So my goal is to start sharing some organization tips here with you. Whether you have 1, 2 or many children, I'm sure these things will help you be better organized. So today here's my first for ya. Do you find your childrens things/ clothes at random places around the house that they don't belong? I know I do and it can be quite an annoyance. Here's a way to pick it up quick but at the same time still hold them accountable to put their things away. What I do is I purchased 4 canvas bins about two feet high, a different color for each child or you can label their name on whatever container you choose. In our house I set the bins in the foyer next to the staircase.Currently we have 3 bins, one for each of the 2 older children and 1 for our stuff and the little ones. When I find random things ie socks,books, electronics etc, I toss it in their bin and each child knows to grab their bin on their way upstairs to their room's, put the stuff in its correct place and return the bin to the foyer.(We do the little ones with our stuff but are teaching them how to do it as well, they like it!) This has worked well. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A roaring success

When my first two children were born, I knew I would bottle feed them. I never once considered breastfeeding and no one tried to persuade me to either. Maybe I never considered it because I was only a teenager or because it seemed awkward, I honestly don't know why really but bottlefeeding worked for us at the time.

When I got pregnant with Gabriel a few years back I was a whole different person. 11 years older than when I had Romeo and I decided I would breastfeed this baby. During my pregnancy with him I read books on breastfeeding but in my mind thought, how hard can it be.

When Gabriel was born I immediately began nursing. At one point during our stay a nurse said to me," wow you guys are so good at that together, I can tell you have nursed a baby before." I told her I hadn't and she was very surprised. I did take that as a sign that I  was doing things right and was proud.

The first week home with Gabriel was hard. He seemed like he was starving all the time and wanted to be at the breast constantly even after my milk came in. Even after hours of nursing the minute I'd take him off  he'd fuss. I was terribly engorged and started thinking I didn't have enough milk or that something was wrong with my milk. Little did I know then that he wasn't latching properly to get what he needed and thus not encouraging my body to produce enough milk.

After 2 weeks he hadn't gained any weight so we began supplementing with formula . I didn't seek help from a lactation consultant until 5 weeks postpartum and at that point my supply was very low. I was having postpartum medical problems, a colicky baby with a medical condition that required surgery and postpartum depression from feeling like a failure. I breastfed on and off  until Gabriel was 9 weeks and then with a heavy heavy heart called it quits and switched to bottles exclusively.

A few months later I found out I was pregnant with Dominique. One of the first things that crossed my mind when I found out was, I am going to breastfeed this baby and this time, its GOING to work! I educated myself on breastfeeding through books, talking to lactation people and asking many questions. When Dominique was born I put everything I learned into practice and reminded myself of the mistakes I made with Gabriel. When I was worried about things I didn't hesitate to call the lactation people. At just 2 weeks old he had gained 2 pounds and the doctor and lactation people called us a roaring success. My heart was so happy and proud, we were doing it!

At a little over 2 months postpartum, I found out that I still had retained placenta that a surgery in the previous weeks hadn't gotten all out (a problem I have had with my last 3 pregnancies). Since it was still causing bleeding their only option was to give me a shot of a chemotherapy drug to try and dissolve the rest of it without damaging my fragile uterus. My first question to them was, can I still nurse my baby. The doctors answer was no and this medicine would stay in my body for 3 months. My heart broke into a million pieces.

I called Prob and told him that I didn't want to take the medicine, that I loved nursing my baby and he loved it too. I worked so hard and this was such a bonding experience that I couldn't imagine giving up after we had come so far. Prob was more concerned about me and said well you have to for your health.He didn't get it, no one did.

I decided that I was going to find a way to take care of me and not give up nursing. I called my lactation consultant and asked them about the medication and nursing. They told me that I only had to stop nursing for one week after the meds and that I could keep up my supply by pumping everytime he had a bottle and dumping it out. I was so so happy to hear this. So that is what we did. For a week Prob fed the baby with a bottle while I pumped and dumped. Dominique was miserable that whole week with an upset stomach. I was so scared that he was going to forget how to nurse and that pumping wouldn't sufficiently keep my supply up.

When a week had passed and it was time for his first feeding, I was so anxious. I put him to my breast and almost heard a sigh of relief. His tiny body relaxed and he nursed like he hadn't ever stopped. My milk supply was just fine and he was so content, me too.

Now here we are almost a year later and im proud to say that other than that one week, Dominique hasn't ever had a bottle, wont take one and really has no idea what to do with one. We are still a roaring success in my eyes. I get so many compliments on still nursing and take them openly and proudly.

As I write this with my nursing baby in my arms I am so thankful for answered prayers, perseverance, strength and the beauty of nature. I get sad sometimes that Gabe and I missed out on nursing longer but I also look at it this way; he still loves me anyway and if we had continued nursing there would be no Dominique.

Everything happens for a reason.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Birthday season begins here and more

His birthday present from us, he LOVES it!

This past weekend we celebrated Gabriel's second birthday anniversary. I don't like to call them "Birthdays" because we all only ever have one real birthday. Friday September 21st was Gabriel's official birthday anniversary. Prob,Gabriel,Dominique and myself celebrated by going to a place called Pump it up.The big kids were at school. This place is a kids dream with many giant inflatable bounce houses, slides and mazes. It was his first time there and though cautious at first, it didn't take him long to discover the fun!

Sunday we had a family party at our house. Lots of family and a few friends came over to celebrate Gabriel. Olivia and I made a pinata for the party since Gabriel loves candy! I really enjoyed making the pinata as it gave Olivia and I something to do together and I always feel like handmade things for the ones you love are just that much more meaningful (not to mention at times much more affordable.)

Dominique's newest favorite thing to do, climb in the car bin
 Gabriel's festivities are just the beginning around here since all of our children have close birthdays with the next 3 in October. It gets a bit overwhelming with so much going on this time of year.

 Right now I am also working on some tough love with both my little guys. I can tell you im sure its harder on me than on them and I just hate it. This is definitely something that needs to be done in order to establish some peace around here, mainly for me. A few things we are working on are; weaning Gabriel, teaching Dom to self soothe during nap and Gabriel to stay in bed at bedtime. More on these things later.

In my last blog post we were in the process of hopefully getting into a new home since we have more than outgrown our current one. With a lot of wasted effort on our part, it doesn't look like it will happen until next fall. I am so sad and defeated feeling about the whole situation, this was all I wanted for our family. The whole time though I guess I have been feeling like we could make this happen since we wanted it so bad. I think im finally realizing that I didn't leave it in God's hands and that is the problem. I know God has a plan for us and just because we want this NOW, he knows when the time will be right and I have to be ok with that.
Rome's first flag FB game
His first visit to the dentist

With that said more organizing, donating and rearranging has to happen so I can keep my sanity. One project I did yesterday was make a craft area in the basement just for Olivia. A place she can go where no one will disturb her. A place if only small where she can create without little brothers(or a big one) bothering her or her creations.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Really nice day

Today was a really nice day. It began with a picnic with my mother at a great park with a splash pad.I really like the fact that they are free and just perfect for the little ones. Olivia still enjoys them too. Rome not so much, but hes a good sport about it. The weather was beautiful and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Last night the two older children and I visited Romes new school and I cant tell you how excited I am for him to go there. The school is in the same community as the amazing elementary he attended and has an outstanding record for top test scores, the best sports programs and great parent involvement among many other things. A rare thing Rome and I got to do this afternoon was go shopping together, just him and I. I let him splurge and get lots of good stuff for school and he was very happy and thankful.I was glad I did and glad we got a few hours together just us, to talk,joke around, shop and eat together, where I was able to give him my undivided attention...it was nice. I cant believe on Tuesday my oldest child is starting Jr high and a month and a day after he'll be an official teenager. Seems like just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital, a teenager myself without a clue. And now almost 13 years later I'm proud of the young man he is. Kind, strong, confident and still mama's boy (shh) Good Luck on your first day buddy, your going places and you'll do great

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Knitting, Waiting and more

MT Rushmore in SD

Little Dom @ the beach, hes a crawler now!

Panning for gold in SD

Summer is winding down here and the weather has gotten a little bit more tolerable, just a little. Today the humidity and heat reminded us that summer is not over quite yet.  School shopping is upon us for our 2 oldest and an exciting new school year is only 10 days away. Romeo will begin 7th grade this year and  will be going to a new school. I am excited for him and just hoping the transition is smooth. I know some good friends of his will be going to the school he chose as well, so that should make it easier.


Gabriel sitting with the goat @ The farm in SD
What a busy and fun summer we have had. We took a trip to South Dakota in July for a family reunion, visited many parks, pools and beaches. The older children spent some days with grandma, and we did so many other fun things. I personally am pretty content to be home these days, but not my children, they love being busy doing things and being around extended family and friends.

Just hanging around with Uncle Dan

Over the summer I have been working on my knitting, teaching myself more and trying more difficult projects. I knitted my first project in the round, a cowl for myself and it turned out ok I guess, but I think either I knitted it a bit to loose or perhaps used the wrong yarn fiber. I also decided I would knit all my children something for their upcoming birthdays. I just finished Dominique's. I made him 2 different balls.  I made a few mistakes but overall they look ok. Now on to the next 3 projects. Hope I can get them all done in time, we'll see.

These past few weeks have been filled with some stress, excitement, hope, and prayers. We are waiting on finding out if our plans to move will happen. After being in this house for 8 years we have more than outgrown not only the house itself but also the neighborhood. Everything is in place and now whether we can house hunt or not is just a phone call away. Say some prayers for us please. Our family really needs this change.

Monday, August 20, 2012

One of those days

Today was one of those challenging days you have as a parent. You know the one that begins with a sleepless night before where you are woken up in the morning by the child that kept you up half the night that you thought for sure would have to sleep in but is in your room starving bright and early. It was one of those days when the house is a mess,the laundry is piled high,the little ones are having meltdowns right as your patience is running thin and you are dang near melting down yourself. Meanwhile in the background the older children are doing their best fighting over the dumbest thing you ever heard. It was one of those can I please get appendicitis type days so I can go to the hospital and get a break for a night!? It was definetly a cant wait till your husband gets home to help but when he does is just as exhausted as you are and all hope for some relief goes out the window. Yup it was one of those days when you force yourself to cook because you have to and it turns out awful and noone wants to eat it and they are all whining cause they are still hungry... Yeah its been a tough day. There was a lot more to this crazy day but I'm too tired to go on and if you've been here you know you just cant wait for the day to end. So as I lay here now in this quiet moment breathing a sigh of relief knowing I should have been asleep an hour ago, I'm thankful for this day. I am thankful for my home thats so full of life and even though its been disastrous,I wouldn't change it for anything.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My special day

So, as it turns out this years Birthday was a great one without any bad feelings.I don't know what it was this year. Maybe it was reminiscing on the past and feeling good about that or maybe it was the cake that my older lady friends made me or the beautiful red roses my husband brought me home from work. Yes it was those things. It was also the sushi dinner we got to enjoy at our favorite restraunt with our two eldest while Grandma watched the little ones. I think that was the icing on the cake because anyone with little ones knows how hard it is to eat in peace, especially at a restraunt when you have little ones to feed, chase and keep happy. That's why eating out has been a thing of the past, so that was very enjoyable. Romeo painted me an amazing picture at school and Olivia made me a pretty card and coloring.Prob surprised me with a kindle fire and I love it! I just wanted to share with you all my great day and let you know what a lucky gal I am to have a family that loves me so much!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The best birthday ever!

Tomorrow is my birthday, i'll be 29. I really don't know how I  feel about it, what I do know is this will be my last birthday before I turn 30, my last year before I am officially old. Honestly I cannot believe it.I cannot believe how fast time goes by.

Over the years I have started to get really sad around my birthday and when the actual day comes I usually cry and want to shut out the world. It's not because I am getting older, its things inside that I won't explain but they hurt the most on that day.

The first year that my Birthday sadness happened, was the worst. I think it was my 24th birthday. I woke up feeling awful. I got Romeo off to school, made Olivia breakfast and resorted to my room. I was flooded with emotions and just cryed and cryed. My mom, best friend, husband and brother called to wish me a good day, my brother even invited me out to lunch via a voicemail but I didn't answer the phone for any of them or return anyone's calls.

Olivia at the time was 4 or 5 and I remember her coming into my room and asking me," Mommy, why are you crying?" I told her I was just sad. She said," Well, its your birthday so you just relax and i"ll go play." She left me alone to have my pity party and was gone for quite awhile. When she returned she had strawberries on a plate. She set them on my bed next to me and told me I was at the spa. Then she proceeded to give me a foot massage and polish my toes. Then she read me a book. After that she led me to the hall where what I saw next made me cry happy tears. On the wall there hung a beautiful mural. Spongebob with a spatula in one hand and a cupcake in the other with a candle. "Mommy", she said." I made this for you, I colored it and cut it out and the cupcake is for your birthday." "Are you happy now Mommy?" she asked. And I was. She had no idea. All my sadness was gone and I never felt more loved in all of my life than I had at that very moment.

Every year now when I start feeling bad I remember that day. I think tomorrow when I wake up, I will walk down to the basement, open my keepsakes box and take out that paper mural that my amazing daughter made me on that birthday that started out so sad. I will look at it and relive that moment, the moment in my life that I realized I AM LOVED and reminisce on the best birthday ever! (:

Monday, May 28, 2012

The 4 I am thinking of today

The first person I have to say I thought of today was my Great Grandmother Lorraine. She passed away in 2005, I was with her, I was 20 years old. At the time of her death, I wasn't sad, she had the strongest Faith in God than anyone I ever met and would always tell us we never had to worry when she passed, that she was going where she belonged, home to the Lord. That was her legacy,a great love for God, Jesus her savior and to share his gift with her family. As I've grown older and closer to God, I realize I miss her more now and wish I could have a relationship with her now than I ever did when she was alive. I wish she was here to give me advice, study the Bible with and answer questions that I'd only trust to ask someone that knew Jesus so well. I wish then, when I was younger I had a closer relationship with her. I do feel very lucky though that I was able to have known my great grandmother for 20 years and my 2 oldest children got to know their great great grandmother for 5 and 2 years. Most people would say that's pretty remarkable because most will never get that chance.

The second one is someone I never got a chance to meet. In January of 2002, we lost a baby to miscarriage. It was such a sad thing to go through. Now having 4 children I think of the  life that could have been and wonder if our little one would have been a boy or a girl,who they might have looked/been like and the love I missed out on sharing with them.I carry the memory of my second baby in my heart and know we will meet in heaven one day.

The third person is my Uncle Mike. He passed away almost 3 years ago and although we weren't close he came to me for help to get the diagnosis of what eventually was the reason he passed. During his struggle with cancer we probably spent more time with him in the 9 months before he passed than ever before. I am glad we were able to have that time, even if it was mostly sadness, im glad we were there for him.

Last and most importantly, I remember God, Jesus and the amazing sacrifice for us all. I am so thankful for Forgiveness,Hope,Joy, Grace and Peace that came with that.

Today, I hope that the memories of your loved ones give you comfort.
A funny thing my Great Grandma use to say to us was,"Give me flowers now, I don't want flowers when I am gone, I want them while I am alive".

So remember to give the people you love flowers now, love them and make lots of good memories.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


It has been quite awhile since I have blogged. I have been thinking a lot lately about the best ways to use my time since there never seems to be enough. I like the idea of blogging however it  falls on the bottom of my priority list which I never get that far most days.

One big thing I have decided to try to get away from is Facebook. I find when I am bored or have a few extra minutes I tend to hit that pretty blue icon on my fancy smancy cell phone and check out whats going on in the world of many people I haven't seen since my elementary days. We all know it can be quite addicting. Although peoples lives can be quite interesting, funny, drama filled, etc, I find it strange that I know so much about people I don't REALLY know, if you know what I mean. I like reading what my family/close friends post, but I talk to them on a regular basis anyways. More than that I realize how little time their is in a day and I'd much rather take those 20minutes or so that I would otherwise be on FB, to read my bible, catch a cat nap or talk with my family. With that said I deactivated my account in hopes that I will use that time for the better and keep all the strangers lives a mystery, as they should be. I hope I can stay away, seriously, because I really do enjoy Facebook but just because you enjoy something, doesn't make it good for you.

Gabriel <3

Watching his big brother make something with the glue gun
My sweet baby

Me and my girl

Romeo and his buddy at the 6th grade send off party,so much fun!
Another change I am trying to make is spending QUALITY time with my children and not just being here. It is so easy to be present but not interact. I found that growing up and even now there was a lot of that. So instead of trying to tackle everything that needs to be done im trying to relax and play a little more. Everyday I take Gabriel outside to play and leave the chores for later. I make more simple meals so there is more time to spend. Instead of saying No to the children, that I have to do this or that, my new goal is to say YES as much as possible Instead of Mommy's having time to herself in her room, its been sure you can come in and cuddle and my time comes shortly after when they go to bed.

Having a 12 year old and a 9 year old helped me to realize how short a time our children stay small and I am embracing that fact by enjoying every moment of Dom and Gabriel being little, even Rome and Liv I keep that mindset, they seem smaller to me now then when they were younger because then I didn't realize how small they really were, now I do and  in 5 more years ill look back to now and say." look how little you were"...so... that's where I've been, enjoying my babies, making the most of each moment and working on ever improving. And just so you know I love my role as a Mommy, I do, I really do.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

When it rains it pours but that's okay

Winter in Minnesota this year has been quite mild, probably the mildest since I can remember with hardly any snow. Tuesday and Wednesday  we were suppose to get a "snow storm" which turned out to be some snow that turned into instant slush because of the warm weather.  Well last night both our vehicles ended up getting ticketed and towed for being plowed in and it was ridiculous considering there wasn't really anything but slush in the roads.Usually Prob is really good about knowing when the plows will be out and moves our vehicles since we don't have off street parking or a garage, but he assumed with such a small amount of snow, they wouldnt be plowing.  My thoughts are with such a mild winter and this being the first real snow of the winter they seized the opportunity to plow, tow and catch up on their quota for the year, ugh! Anyway, its not like any of my thoughts matter because either way it still cost 550 dollars to get our cars out.

Another bill we managed to rack up yesterday, 100 dollars bailing our two running loose pooches outta the pound plus orders to renew their licenses and rabies vaccs.  Did I mention the transmission on our van we bought a month ago went out and we had to shell out 3600 for that too? Or that the blower for the heat in the van went out too. What do you do though. Suck it up I guess and move on and be thankful we are healthy, it could be worse, much worse. Still sucks though.

Romeo's basketball team made it all the way to the championship and came in second place only losing by two. It was such an exciting final game and I really enjoyed watching him in his first season playing, learn so much about the game and really take pride in it, he has definitly found his sport. It has also given him and Prob something to do together that they both like and im glad. Gabriel has even started to love basketball and can shoot a basket, he is so cute, he calls it B-ball.

My sweet little Dominique has suffered with acid reflux since birth and a few months ago he started meds that have helped him feel so much better but they are not without side effects. They cause vomiting and even though they say its not a side effect I think they give him really bad insomnia. He doesn't nap much during the day and at night he still wakes up like a newborn to nurse. I have been debating doing a trial off the meds but I just think that the benefits of the meds outweigh the side effects but im just sooo tired so I don't know. Other than that he is such a good baby and fits in so well with us and loves his mommy so much!

I went for my 3 month checkup after I had gotten the chemotherapy drug to dissolve the rest of the placenta that was still in my uterus and ultrasound showed its still in there. Doctor said its all calcified and inactive so I guess its fine that its there which is good since she said it'll be there forever. She reminded me how very lucky I am to have made it through my last 3 pregnancies without losing my uterus or more importantly my life. Her words were, dont take your luck for granted because it will run out.

You know, Prob asked me why I have been so nonchalant about it each time and asked me, arent you scared?  I guess I wasn't, because I knew it was in God's hands and I never doubted he would get us through it. I look at my children everyday and am so in love and would go through it all over again in a heartbeat for them.So when we are going through bad times I realize I need to just be thankful.

Thank you God for taking care of me, Thank you that I am here to buy a car just to have to fix it, to pick up runaway dogs, to watch our last dollar go to get our cars out of impound. Thank you Lord for the good days and the bad and for being here with me through it all. Amen

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The foundation of a family

What makes up a good strong family? With blogs and Facebook and all the other ways to see into others lives these days without having to even know someone, we get a picture painted of what goes on in the lives of others. There is always the people who complain and seem to just be miserable 24/7, but more often I read lots of good things and am happy that it seems so many people are so happy with their lives. Truthfully, I'd be lying if I didn't say it makes me a little jealous at times. I think to myself, how come it seems so easy for them to juggle kids, work, hobbies, a house, a relationship and never have a problem? Then I snap back to reality. It isn't.

Most of the time we like to share what people like to hear, we like to paint a perfect picture. Who wants to see a big mess anyway? Truth is, everyone has problems, whether they only the share the good things, they have them, I guarantee. Just to clarify, we are no different here, in case you haven't guessed.

Lately my struggle has been with our family foundation. First off God is our foundation, but so are we, the parents, Prob and I. Its been so easy to put us on the back burner, especially with the unexpected 2 additions to our family within a year. Stress, fatigue,being busy and unresolved issues that we have ignored for far too long have threatened our foundation.

I realized something and that is why I am sharing this with you. I realized that in the midst of everyday life, you HAVE to take the time to take care of the foundation of your life or everything you care about will come tumbling down before your eyes. Instead of trying to pretend like everything is perfect, instead of just focusing on the kids and thinking it will just get better,that things will change, take the time to work on it. Upkeep is alot easier than waiting til everything is broken. What makes up a good strong family is the foundation. A foundation of love, helping each other, talking about things that bother you. resolving issues, changing, keeping it real...everyday.

We are rebuilding, and it isn't going to be easy, I can already tell you its an uphill battle but we are willing to do it because its worth it to us, just wish we would have done the upkeep. Remember this, you can fool anyone you want, even yourself, but instead, live by this, one of my favorite quotes.
 "Be who you would like to seem"

There will always be problems, no matter what. All I'm saying is, do all you can to be the family you write about, Facebook about, read about. Most importantly don't neglect your foundation.